Thursday 14 March 2013

Music for Opening Scene

We have decided to include music for the opening scene and the titles of our film as this is common in most films of any genre. The opening scene is our main character at a graveyard looking at his fathers grave and we wanted the music to fit with what is happening. Therefore we wanted a song in minor key as the character is mourning his father and would be sad at this point. Another point we considered was our film is set in the present day and the storyline is based around 18 to 19 year olds. So we thought a modern song would be appropriate, this is also good for our audience as they may be familiar with it.

We choose Intro by The XX as it fits all the requirements above. It also doesn't have any lyrics which means we will able to use sound from the actual video or voice overs at the same time without it sounding indistinguishable. 

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